Ball Bouncing

I have practiced with different ball bounces in Maya and 2D, I used my own reference with different balls to help with this. The weight and material of the ball effects the bounce, if it’s a dense material and it is heavy the ball won’t have a large bounce and will come to a stop fairly quickly. However, if the ball is lighter and made from a bendy material the bounce is greater and will travel longer. Overall, I found this rather easy. I used the ghost tool and made the y movement first so that I could fully see the movement before adding any x axis movement.

For the first one I used a tennis ball.

normal ball gif

From this I made a bar sheet.

bounce bar sheet

Then using the bar sheet I translated this into 3D.

Then once I have the animation down in 3D I used that as reference for the 2D, which I did in Photoshop.

ball bouncing

I used the same process with other types of balls:

With a rubber ball.

rubber ball gif

rubber ball bar sheet

rubber ball bouncing

With a heavier ball.

bowling ball gif

heavy ball bar sheet

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