Mini Environment Brief

We have been given a brief to create a exterior and a interior environment with floorplan. The exterior has to be a layered Photoshop file -6000 x 3000px at 72dpi- so that we can animate with it on the 4th December but the interior can be a coloured concept art Photoshop file – 1920x1080px at 72dpi-  with a scaled line drawing of floor plan and elevation. With it being a minimal size of A4 so that we can scale a model from it on 6th Dec. It had to based on one area that was given to us. The one I choose was ‘A Derelict Alien Outpost on a Strange Moon’. I choose this one as I find space more interesting and beautiful. To start this I first made a moodboard.


I got these images from games I have played in the past that are set in the future on a different planet. However the games are different genres, making the aspects of space different from each other. One is focused more on the ‘alieness’ of the planet and the other is more for atmosphere. Using these I sketched out some thumbnails of both interior and exterior.


These loose thumbnails helped me think of the possible backstory of the scene, how to make it different from the games that are set in space. I thought if i made the story more of witness that a playable narrative it would make it more film like. Out of these the exterior thumbnail that I liked the best was the top left. So I put the thumbnail on the right type of Photoshop file and changed the composition so that it fitted better.

Eerire thumbnail

A backstory/narrative that I came up for this is that is set in the future where space flight is possible. A man is sent out to investigate a signal coming from a un-mapped region of space. He encountered a damaged alien space station, he manages to get a terminal working in it but the message that appears is in a alien language and he can’t understand it. He works on decoding it for days, and finally manages to translate it. However it’s a warning, a warning to leave the station immediately as their is a deadly virus on the station which they tried to destroy by blowing up the station but it didn’t work. The man is going to die, but he thinks it not a bad place to die as it is beautiful.

24/11/17 Update

I have completed the exterior landscape from this. I recorded the process as well.


29/11/17 Update

This is the space interior concept art, the idea behind it is that this is a room on the alien station that is still working and that it is a lab. Housing unknown liquid and subjects, I included the same space scene in the background to show that it is the same area .

space interior

And this is the floor plan for the room.
