Group Meeting

Today we had a proper meeting in our group about the city brief, we went through all the details and dates we should do and have done by. Several questions where cleared up and now I now know what I should be focusing on. At the moment we have the script, storyboard and one out of two character designs. I have created a character design for a minor character. To create her, I already had a idea on what she would look like but made several versions of hair so that the group could choose the one that they liked the most.

The long wavy hair was most liked so I then proceeded to create 3 different colour schemes for the clothes and woman. I first posted these as 3 on our animation group page so that we could get feedback on which colours they liked. One that was popular was

lizzy colour 2.png

But the colour of the dress was disliked and more people liked a red dress, so this became the choosen colour scheme. I then made the front, side and back of the character.

lizzy turn


This is the design of ‘Lizzy’. We are still waiting for the main character design which is in process. To start with some animation I used reference I had took and made a very rough walk cycle.

rough gif