Maya Short Story

I chose to do my short story on the annoying insect prompt, I think this was the hardest (other that lifting) that I did just because of the movement the rig makes, jumping and twisting.

short story bar sheet1short story bar sheet2

I was going to add the fly in 2D and sound but due to time restraints I was unable to .

Pushing Maya Animation

This is the first part of the dynamics animations. This is the first of the three which will be pushing, pulling and lifting. In this animation Bucket Kid is meant to be pushing a large stone, I scaled up a cube to represent this.

Here is the bar sheet.

pushing bar sheet.png

And the final animation

I would have added more shaking to the arms showing the strain but I couldn’t find a joint that made this visible in some of the poses, I used the arm twist or the shoulders but sometimes it didn’t make a visible difference.

Maya Sneaking Walk

This is my sneaking bar sheet, I found this one more enjoyable than the others surprisingly. I think it’s because it was more open, you could make the any sort of sneak you wanted, fast or slow. I went with a slow sneak as it would let me really experiment with subtle movements and holds.

sneak bar sheet

This is the final outcome

Bucket Kid Airshow

For the exercise ‘Airshow’, I first planned out the basic movements using bar sheets.

bar sheet 1bar sheet 2

I then went on to create the animation in Maya.

Unlike my previous tests with the Bucket Kid rig I used only IK modes on the arms as I found it more suitable to keep the arms in place when he’s leaning on them. I also used tried to add more holds to make the timing more believable. I did find the when used the IK arms, the hands would sometimes become jittery. The rotation in the graph editor would be very fast and make the hands snap, I corrected this in the graph editor.

Armature and Bucket Kid Poses

I have made 6 different poses’ happiness, saddness, fear, anger, disgust and achievement.

I sketched out these first, then posed then in Maya using the bucket kid rig and also posed them with the armature.

I found bucket kid easy to pose, the only thing that I found hard was the proportions sometimes made it clip into the body. I also found some of these poses are lacking life, I want to redo them into more expressive poses.

I also tried using cameras in Maya, I used this to create 360 turns of the poses.

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