Green Screen

To catch up on missed workshops I did the green screen workshop myself, to do this I created an animation which had a green screen in the background. I decided to create the animation in a 3D animation program called Source Film Maker using a character from a game, Overwatch which belongs to Blizzard. I created the animation and then using After Effects added a background from the game as well, finally adding an explosion effect that I got from Youtube, I also got the explosion sound effect from the Youtube Audio Library. In After Effects I used the Keying effect, selecting the green screen in the background and adding the background image into the composition, doing this again for the explosion clip and placing in the timeline along with the sound effect. In total, the animation took 4 hours to make.

In industry green screen in vastly used in film and animation, a good example of the use of green screen in a film on a massive scale is in The Avengers, (Movieclips Extras, 2013). Using green screen to make the actual landscape of New York, projecting CGI on the green screen. Filming this in real life would have cost much more and taken a lot longer.

Movieclips Extras (2013) The Avengers Featurette – Industrial Light & Magic (2012) – Joss Whedon Movie HD .  Available from [accessed 20th October].